Monday, June 27, 2016

Top 15 Creepiest Vocaloid Songs

First released in the early 2000’s, the Vocaloid software quickly gained traction as a way for musical creators to share their ideas. With a bit of exploring, however, it is not hard to discover that the songs produced with these vocal androids are not always filled with the expected ice cream and rainbows. 
Without further ado, let’s just move right in, shall we? In no particular order, here are 15 of the creepiest Vocaloid horror songs I've come across, collected to fuel your nightmares.
#1: I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry – Kikuo ft. Hatsune Miku
I’m just going to go ahead and get one of the most obvious choices out of the way. To be curt, this is a song about child abuse. Horrific, horrific child sexual abuse that is compared to cannibalism in the lyrics. Really, there is nothing that horrifies me more, and this would easily be in the #1 spot if I were ranking these in any way. 
Do you want to know something potentially worse than just the lyrics? If you were just listening to this song randomly and did not understand Japanese, you might not even realize that anything wrong was going on in this song. It is catchy as hell and could be something feasible to dance to. Then you would track down the lyrics… (According to YouTube comments, this actually has happened.) 
All things aside, I would recommend you to give this a listen. It is most certainly a depressing and horrifying experience, and the latter is what you’re here for, yes? Please keep in mind, though, that this is a horror that occurs every day to thousands of children… A little dose of realism is good for all of us.

#2- Okaasan – Machigerta ft. Hatsune Miku 
Another obvious choice…
I really have no words to describe this song. It’s child abuse, but…yeah. (That backmasked message...) 
Just… just watch it. And don't look behind you. I don't think she wants to be seen.

#3: O, Light – Kikuo ft. Hatsune Miku (...again)
Another Kikuo song. Honestly, most of this guy’s stuff is pretty nightmare-inducing.
This is a recent addition to his artistic accomplishments and it is an absolutely beautiful one at that. The song is great, but what really makes it is the animated video that accompanies it. It is simply gorgeous. I will let you decide for yourself what it is about, but as it is a Kikuo song…
(For anyone interested, the utaite Hanatan made a delightful cover of this song. It’s linked in the description of the video listed above.)

#4- Pandemic & Plastic Girl – Yuugou-P ft. GUMI
This entry is actually a pair of songs, but one is not complete without the other. While the songs are a bit less horrifying than the others on this list, I do think they belong on here if only for a bit of a breather (I also love the art used in them...I may or may not have even produced fanart of it in my school art class...).
I think we all have known the horrors of bullying at one point or another, yes? Some of us just take it more harshly than others…

#5- Secrets of Wysteria – Steampianist ft. Oliver
Ugh, this song… It’s pretty much a slap in the face. Just the song and video are horrifying enough, but then you might be lucky enough to experience that wonderful moment when you realize that the events in the story actually happened. Listening to the song in reverse might help… It will serve to assist in your nightmares.
For those of you who have gone down that wonderful path, here’s a link where you can read all about the events in detail to lengthen the time you will be stuck awake tonight. You’re welcome. Enjoy the rabbit hole!

#6- Suji – MARETU ft. Hatsune Miku 
Let’s see…stalking, mutilation, necrophilia, cannibalism… Yes. That is the type of song this is. This song is more-than-likely related to Scrumize, a song that I was going to make a separate entry for before just deciding to make mention of it here, judging by the way that song ends. If this is true, then it is a prequel of sorts and lets you know how exactly things might have gotten this way.
(As an extra note, this song, as with everything of Maretu’s, is rather hard to interpret. As such, there are many attempted translations floating around out there. I personally like the one produced by thisendlessforest, found here, and I only did not link that video because it is a fan-produced PV based around Makoto Hanamiya from Kuroko no Basket (those eyebrows!). I wanted to link to something more grounded in the producer’s view…)
Oh! One last thing before I move on to the next entry… This song’s title? “Suji?” I poked around one day, and I figured out that the word can mean “muscle,” “ligament,” or "sinew" when written the right way (すじ, I think). It is also the common name for a dish made with those ingredients... From a cow, usually, but it’s still interesting to note.

#7- Teratoma – apol-P ft. GUMI English
As I once read on a certain glorious website, this song is GUMI at her most terrifying. I won’t say much as I don’t want to draw this on for too long, but if you must know, a teratoma is a tumor made up of fetal tissue. And this song is portraying Gmi as the personification of one. A teratoma is just as disturbing as you would think, and I STRONGLY recommend that you do not look it up on Google Images (though that never stops some people...). It is fascinating, but some of those “tumors” are pretty much fully formed babies that look as if they’re going the way of Tetsuo from Akira… Nausea fuel, I'm sure.

#8 - Tears of the Artificial Eye (…/Doll?) – Babuchan ft. Hatsune Miku
Are you afraid of dolls? Yes? Well then, please enjoy this joy of a song about a doll coming to life to murder its owner. (Warning: please turn your volume down, particularly if you are wearing headphones. And ESPECIALLY toward the end of the song. Just…trust me and the uploader of the translation on this.)

#9 - After School – Okashi-P ft. Kaai Yuki
This song does not have a descriptive PV to go with it, but that does not make it any less creepy. It features Yuki’s character describing to us what happened to her after school one day while being philosophical, all while speaking and singing in a monotone. My description doesn’t give it justice, I know…

#10- Crushed Mary – mondaiji-P ft. Kaai Yuki
Alright, We’re to number ten! Number ten is…well, is this.
…You know, I’m not even sure how to describe this. Is this a song? Is it just noise? Who is Mary?! I'm not really sure about any of that, but this is certainly…something.
Again, turn down your volume.

#11 - Dharma Girl – ZawaZawaP ft. Rin Kagamine
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what is being said here as I have not been able to find any subtitles for this little gem, but frankly, the tone and atmosphere of the song as well as the video that accompanies it are more than frightening for me.
While searching for subs, I did bump into a few people who are more knowledgeable in the Japanese language than myself, and they were able to give me an idea of what is happening…here is what I was told, listed for the sake of keeping a record. Comments are in sequential order.
**Please skip down to the next entry if you are squeamish/do not wish for the possible story to be spoiled. The full comment chain is in the comments of the video linked above.**
  •     ChakkyCharizard | Chakky-PFrom what I've deciphered, seems to be a similar story to that of I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry. May or may not see a translation from me eventually. (Note: As of 6/18/2016, this user has not produced a translation, at least from what I can tell. Please do not badger them about it, as it was not a certain thing.)
  •         MaraWell from what I've understood she's raped by her dad, she hates it, and she eventually kills her dad
  •        deathbypimento+[Mara] It's actually more that her father is raping/molesting her and in an attempt to stop, she cuts off her legs and arm. Her father doesn't seem to mind, though, calling her "cute" and she realizes that she loves him and at the end of the song, asks him to cut off her other arm. It's kinda fucked up.

#12 - Puppet Master’s Finest Creation – JUSF Zhou Cun ft. Luo Tianyi and Yan He
This is one of the few Chinese Vocaloid songs that I have been able to come across subbed, this little gem tells the tale of a puppet maker and his quest to create his “finest creation.” It is quite interesting, featuring much gory dismemberment of said puppet. (Hmm, is the puppet alive? Not quite sure. Watch and draw your own conclusions!)

#13 – Pink Rabbit – Healing-P ft. Len Kagamine
            Just an innocent rabbit…nothing wrong here!
            Nope. People, keep your children the hell away from people in shady rabbit costumes. They might go from 0 to 100 in a second, just like this song. Holy crap, Len…
(And no, that is not your computer having an aneurysm. The song is supposed to glitch out like that…)

#14 – Strange Masquerade Halloween - Machigerita ft. (deep breath) Hatsune Miku, Rin Kagamine, Len Kagamine, Luka Megurine, KAITO, and MEIKO
            If I’m not too busy around October, I’ve got to try and compile a list of Halloween-themed Vocaloid songs. There sure are a lot of them... This one in particular speaks about the dangers of going in to strangers’ houses. Remember kids, don’t do it!

#15 – Halloween Candy – Steampianist ft. Oliver
“Did someone say Halloween?! I LOVE Halloween!” …says the friendly child molester. And before someone says that me saying that was in bad taste, the song said it first.
Honestly, I put this entry in so that some of you might get a few dark laughs. Because HOLY CRAP, does this song give those to you. Never have I felt so uncomfortable yet amused at the same time. At least it has a good message in there…and a horrifyingly creepy, ski-mask-clad child molester flashing us all with his huge bulge. My eyes…
Hopefully, you enjoyed this list. Please, comment and critique to your leisure. I'm not quite used to this blogging thing, so any help is appreciated. Do you know a creepy Vocaloid-based song that you think should have been included here? Please, let me know. I'm always looking for a good chill. Remember, cute kittens are always a quick Google search away. 
Sweet Dreams.

Experiment forthcoming

I'm going to experiment a bit... Hopefully, this next post will work.


Hello. Just seeing how this thing works...